There are so many different types of coffee beans that it can be difficult to know where to start.
What are the best coffee beans to try? How do different coffee beans compare? And how do you choose the best coffee beans for you?
If you’d like to understand coffee better, this is the place to start.
We recommend learning about the four main types of coffee bean first.
Once you understand these four coffee bean types, and their unique flavor profiles, you’ll be ready to start exploring the world of delicious coffee beans.
The 4 Types of Coffee Bean
Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, Excelsa… they’re all types of coffee beans, but they each have a completely different taste.
Improve your coffee knowledge with our guide to the four types of coffee beans.

Discover a World of Coffee Beans
Every delicious coffee starts with incredible coffee beans. So, if you want to understand coffee and make a great brew, you need to get to know your coffee beans.
Are Coffee Beans And Espresso Beans The Same?
At times, shopping for coffee beans can be a confusing experience. You may see light, medium, and dark roasted beans. On top of those, there are also espresso beans. Are espresso beans similar to coffee beans? Regular coffee beans and espresso beans are the same. However, you can consider espresso beans as a subtype of…
Can You Eat Raw Coffee Beans?
We know that coffee beans are regularly roasted or brewed to make drinks. You may also have heard of people brewing and drinking raw coffee beans. However, you may wonder if it is possible to eat raw coffee beans directly. You can eat raw coffee beans, although it is very uncommon. Raw coffee beans contain…
Is a Blonde Espresso Stronger than a Regular Espresso?
Blonde espresso can be said as a variant of espresso and has been popular since Starbucks introduced it in 2018. However, how does it compare to regular espresso? Is blonde espresso stronger than regular espresso? Blonde espresso is not stronger than regular espresso in taste, as it uses lightly roasted beans. This means it is…
Best Coffee For French Press
French press is probably one of the most popular ways to brew coffee because it is simple to use. However, a French press brews coffee differently, which may suit certain coffee beans. What is the best coffee for the French press? The best coffee for French press are light and medium roasts, with natural sweetness…
How to Tell if Coffee Beans are Fresh?
The scent and flavor of freshly roasted coffee are divine, but sometimes your coffee stays unbrewed longer than you’d planned and goes a little off. It happens to everyone, but roasted coffee beans are particularly volatile and don’t last too long once exposed to oxygen. If your coffee tastes a little flatter, use these methods…
The Best Way to Travel With Coffee Beans
Are you planning to bring coffee beans with you on your next out-of-town trip? Are you unsure what the rules and regulations are when traveling on a plane with them? In this guide, we’ll explain the best ways to bring coffee beans on your flight, the rules and regulations, and answers to related questions about…
Can You Grind Coffee Beans In A Food Processor?
We all know we should grind coffee beans before brewing to make the best coffee. However, not all of us have the proper tools for that. As a result, many result in using a food processor instead. But, Is it a good idea? Can you grind coffee beans in a food processor? Grinding coffee beans…
How Many Coffee Beans Per Cup?
We make our coffee by brewing coffee grounds with hot water. In many cases, we simply scoop out the grounds or grind the coffee ourselves. However, have you ever considered the number of coffee beans to make coffee? How many coffee beans per cup are needed? You use about 55 coffee beans to make a…
Should You Wash Coffee Beans?
Some of us like things clean. As a result, we tend to wash and clean everything, be it a brand-new set of cutlery, clothes, or tools. But what about coffee beans? Should you wash your coffee beans before brewing? In general, you do not wash your coffee beans before brewing. This is because the beans…
Arabic vs Turkish Coffee: What are the differences?
The Middle East could be said to be the cradle of coffee. The first coffee beans come from here; the earliest coffee drinkers are Middle Easterners. Here, Arabic and Turkish coffee reign supreme. However, how similar and different are they? Arabic and Turkish coffee are similar in that they use arabica beans. The coffee is…
What happens When You Boil Coffee Beans?
What happens when you boil coffee beans? And is it ok to simply boil coffee beans without grinding them to brew a cup of coffee?
How Long After Roasting Are Coffee Beans at Their Best?
When are coffee beans at their best? You may be surprised to learn that coffee beans are not at their best immediately after roasting.