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Cappuccino vs Latte: What’s the Difference?

Cappuccino vs latte... which is it? It's a latte in a white coffee cup.

To the untrained eye, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a cappuccino and a latte.

Both drinks contain espresso, both contain steamed milk, and both have a layer of milk foam on their surface. However, they are not the same.

The key difference between a cappuccino and a latte is the amount of frothed milk versus the amount of steamed milk. The cappuccino is more frothy, and the latte is more steamy! 

Let’s find out more in our next coffee comparison. It’s time for cappuccino vs latte!

What is a Cappuccino?

A cappuccino is a coffee drink of equal thirds. It is one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third frothed milk.

Traditionally, a cappuccino is usually made using one shot of espresso. However, if you want an extra caffeine hit, you can, of course, add an additional espresso shot.

“The Cappuccino Explained” by James Hoffmann on YouTube.

How is a cappuccino made?

A cappuccino is made by pulling a shot of espresso into a cup, then frothing milk in a pitcher and pouring the milk on top of the espresso.

To froth milk for a cappuccino, pour the milk into your pitcher until it is approximately one-third full. You should not fill the pitcher any more than this, as you need to leave room for the milk to double in volume.

Next, insert the steaming wand from your espresso machine into the milk, holding it just below the surface of the milk. 

As the milk begins to froth and increase in volume, adjust the height of the jug so that the steaming wand is consistently around half an inch below the surface of the milk. 

Before turning off the steaming wand, dip it deeper into the milk a couple of times to create a consistent foam.

Stop when the milk is thoroughly frothed and has doubled in volume or when the temperature reaches 150°F.

Swirl the jug and then bang it on a table to get rid of the larger bubbles and ensure a smooth foam.

Finally pour the milk on top of the espresso. 

You may be wondering where the layer of steamed milk comes from, as a cappuccino is one-third steamed milk but you’re just pouring foamed milk. The answer is that the steamed milk will separate from the foam after pouring to create your drink of three approximately equal thirds.

What is a Latte?

A latte is a coffee drink comprised of one-third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk. On top of the steamed milk, there is a layer of milk foam measuring just under half an inch (approximately 1cm) in thickness.

A latte can be made using either a single espresso or a double shot.

“Specialty Coffee Drinks Explained – What is a Latte?” by FreshGround Roasting on YouTube.

How is a latte made?

Like a cappuccino, a latte is made by pouring hot milk on top of an espresso. The difference is all about how the milk is steamed.

When making a cappuccino, you want the milk to double in size and create a lot of foam. However, for a latte, you want steamed milk, with only a small amount of foam to go on top.

Start by filling your milk pitcher until is approximately two-thirds full. Then, submerge the steaming wand deep into the milk and switch it on.

Stop when a head of foam begins to appear. The milk’s temperature should be around 150°F.

Finally, pour the milk on to the espresso shot. The steamed milk will pour out of the pitcher first, allowing you to then add the layer of milk foam on top of the latte.

The difference between a cappuccino and a latte

The making of a Cappuccino and Latte is slightly different. Image source: Healthline.
The making of a Cappuccino and Latte is slightly different. Image source: Healthline.

The difference between a cappuccino and a latte is that a cappuccino has much more foamed milk. A cappuccino is approximately one-third milk foam, whereas a latte has a thinner layer of milk foam, measuring less than half an inch, on top of steamed milk.

A cappuccino is one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third frothed milk. A latte is one-third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk, with a thin layer of froth on top.

“Latte VS Cappuccino, what’s the difference? • Barista Training” by Paddy & Scott’s on YouTube.

What has more calories, a cappuccino or a latte?

When deciding which coffee drink is healthiest, it’s usually best to start by considering how much milk is in each coffee. This is because most of the calories in a milky coffee are from the milk, not the espresso shot.

A latte will usually have more milk than a cappuccino. This is because the latte includes more steamed milk – whereas a cappuccino has more light and airy milk foam – and lattes are often served in larger sizes.

For this reason, the average latte has more calories than the average cappuccino. That said, a large cappuccino could contain more milk than a small latte, giving the cappuccino a higher calorie count.

How do you froth milk for a cappuccino vs a latte?

The key difference when frothing milk for a cappuccino vs a latte is the amount of froth you create.

When frothing milk for a cappuccino, you hold the steaming wand near the surface of the milk. This allows a lot of air into the milk and creates a thick froth.

When frothing milk for a latte, you hold the steaming wand deep under the surface of the milk. This allows less air into the milk and therefore creates less froth. Instead, you get steamed milk with only a small amount of froth.

What has more milk, a latte or a cappuccino?

Because it is made using more steamed milk, and because it is often served in larger sizes, a latte will generally have more milk than a cappuccino.

A cappuccino is often served in a smaller cup than a latte, and a higher proportion of that cup is airy milk foam, rather than dense steamed milk.

Which is stronger, latte or cappuccino?

When comparing caffeine content, a latte and a cappuccino are equal in strength as long as they contain the same number of espresso shots. 

Both drinks can be made from either one shot of espresso or two. So to make either the latte or the cappuccino stronger, you would add a shot of espresso.

When comparing taste, assuming both drinks contain the same amount of espresso, the cappuccino will taste stronger than the latte. This is because the cappuccino has a smaller proportion of steamed milk, and the bitter flavor of the coffee will therefore be more noticeable.

Is cappuccino sweeter than a latte?

A cappuccino is less sweet than a latte. The sweetness of a coffee comes from the milk, which offsets the bitterness of the espresso. A cappuccino contains less steamed milk than a latte, which gives it a less sweet taste.

FAQ – Cappuccino vs Latte

What is difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

The difference between a cappuccino and a latte is that a cappuccino has much more foamed milk. A cappuccino is approximately one-third milk foam, whereas a latte has a thinner layer of milk foam, measuring less than half an inch, on top of steamed milk.

Which coffee drink is stronger, latte or cappuccino?

When comparing caffeine content, a latte and a cappuccino are equal in strength if they contain the same amount of espresso shots. However, as latte contains more milk, it’s normally considered “lighter”.

What has more milk out of a latte and a cappuccino?

Latte will generally have more milk because it’s served in a larger size and has more steamed milk.

What’s weaker cappuccino or latte?

A general point of view is that a cappuccino is a smaller, stronger drink. A cappuccino is made with one shot of espresso and served with a thick layer of milk foam. Traditionally, a latte is larger and therefore has a higher milk to coffee ratio.

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